The S.T.U.F.F. Bus, which stands for Supplying Things U Find Fundamental, provides essential supplies and clothing to students and their families experiencing economic difficulties. Supplies include, but are not limited to: new and gently used clothing, jackets, hygiene products, shoes, undergarments, and school supplies.
Our main goal is for students to focus solely on achieving their highest educational goals while they are with us here in Flagler Schools. Each year the Flagler County Education Foundation assists thousands of families through the S.T.U.F.F. Bus initiatives.
The S.T.U.F.F. Bus seeks to provide immediate support to our school community by nurturing our youth's social, physical, emotional, and academic well-being by providing essentials to all students. This program is specifically designed to keep students from feeling shamed for needing assistance. Since 2010, we have served over 30,000 students, thousands of pounds of clothing and supplies.
"Life can change in the blink of an eye. I’m so thankful for the STUFF Bus and the 'giving' community that we live in. 'Thank you' feels inadequate for the help that we received this year. We are very grateful!"
- S.T.U.F.F. Bus Recipient
Flagler County reported over 600 identified homeless children last year, and with close to 70 % of all students on free or reduced lunch plans due to living below the poverty level. The S.T.U.F.F. Bus has created a teacher referral system so more children can be identified and served. This program helps alleviate absenteeism, transient students, and low self-esteem among students. Studies have shown many students do not come to school because they do not have appropriate clothes, school supplies, or basic hygiene necessities.
Schools are charged with assisting families with a variety of issues, including clothing issues. Please help us remove this barrier to their academic and emotional success at school and in the community. Donate today.
Also, to volunteer with the S.T.U.F.F. Bus, download a volunteer application today.