The Flagler Schools Classroom to Careers Flagship initiative creates pathways from elementary to post-secondary schools. They are aligned with targeted industries in our community and region and are in response to community requests for a pipeline of talent.

We're Growing and Evolving
In the past two years, we've added Flagship programs for law & criminal justice, teaching, and medical. These are the result of requests from our community leaders and industry demand. EMT has been added to the Fire Leadership Academy through Flagler Technical College (FTC). FTC has also opened a heavy equipment operator course.

Next Step
Career Coaching provides the opportunity for career veterans to be matched with an aspiring career-minded student. The partnership will result in gained knowledge regarding targeted industries, educational requirements for a particular career, soft skills training, and a bond to last a lifetime.
- Strategically paired with student by industry & background.
- Coaching Toolkit - Pacing Guide and activities for all sessions.
- Coaching Support System - Direct contact when you have questions.
- Individual or small group setting.
- Most important: Build relationships with tomorrow's leaders.